
Audience Ambassador for 2nd Hand Dance

Support and consultation on their debut performance of The Sticky Dance, January 2024

Brent Conference Rough and Tumble Play workshop

1 hour workshop with key take-aways for educators in practice, January 2024

Sharing a case study about Rough and Tumble Play, November 2023

Keynote on identity:developing your story, October 2023

London Early Years Forum, keynote on children's identity, October 2023

On behalf of Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre, a monthly blog to share practice and pose questions, September 2023 onwards

Discussing identity development through an anti-racist lens, Hackney anti-racist conference, March 2023

Panelist for Annual Froebel Lecture 2022

Bringing music and movement into early years settings, Froebel Trust 2022

Sharing best practice in early years education, Headteacher update podcast 2021

Adopting rough and tumble play in your setting, Tapestry Podcast 2021 

Discussion of gender related to rough and tumble play, Early Years Educator 2021

Overview of introducing rough and tumble play, Headteacher Update 2021

Summary of mirror play, self-regulation and metacognition, Tapestry 2021

A reflection on the appropriateness and relevance of Christmas shows, Islington 2021

Summary of reflections and possible next steps following COVID-19, Tapestry 2021

Comparative overview of health and wellbeing in a range of contexts, Tapestry 2021

Response to Black Lives Matter movement through the early years lens, Early Education 2020

Reflection of the possible use of selfies and mirrors in early childhood settings, TACTYC 2020

Overview of the action research project undertaken, Nursery World 2019 

Comparative overview of various philosophies related to health and wellbeing, ECSDN 2019

Southwark Leaders anti-racism keynote speech

Two sessions with Southwark Early Years leaders and teams discussing anti racism and how to adapt practice within classrooms, 2021

Holistic development of children through a Rough and Tumble Play intervention

A practice led webinar sharing the journey of an action research project for Kym Scott's EYFS Reforms webinar series 2021

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